车库日报 车库设计和工具讨论的工人… 星期四,21 Oct 2021 08:24:58 +0000 星期四,21 Oct 2021 08:24:58 +0000 车库日报//www.urarawi.com/forum/ 鲁迪的达特桑汽车在澳大利亚恢复营业,熬夜工作。 星期四,21 Oct 2021 08:08:26 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/rudis-datsun-resto-and-late-nights-shed-in-australia.340229/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/rudis-datsun-resto-and-late-nights-shed-in-australia.340229/ invalid@example.com (cros13) 车库画廊 cros13
Page 1-17:
Original Shed build and deck out (the one in my DP)

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new garage build started !当我和妻子买了房子并搬进新家时,我的人生就开始了新的篇章!



我是一个重型叉车机械师,我是一个汽油头!我现在正在我的1977 Datsun 260z上做一个螺母和螺栓修复。

我目前有一个3.5 x 7.5单…

马特科工具箱回购,但我付了钱。 星期四,21 Oct 2021 08:04:28 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/matco-toolbox-repo-but-paid-off-by-me.488225/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/matco-toolbox-repo-but-paid-off-by-me.488225/ invalid@example.com (misty4gordon559@gmail) 一般车库的讨论 misty4gordon559@gmail
我的matco工具箱被我的经销商拿走后,我支付了它通过matco。我给马特科寄了一张收据和一份银行对账单,上面显示了我的银行在我做交易的时候,现在他们说我需要更多的证据来证明我已经付清了。我可以打电话给警察,报告它被偷了吗,因为我认为它是这样的 0 古董sk工具 星期四,21 Oct 2021 08:03:41 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/vintage-s-k-tools.278177/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/vintage-s-k-tools.278177/ invalid@example.com (lzenglish) 讨论的工具 lzenglish 这是我的大部分S-K工具集。这个大盒子是我的一个朋友在1953年买的,他去年年底去世了。我在1936年的Baker &汉密尔顿硬件目录,P/N为4000。我的P/N是4010R,我还没有找到一个1950年代的S-K目录,所以我可以检查它的库存。Does Anyone have any old 50's-60's S-K Catalogs?

座司机的名字 星期四,21 Oct 2021 07:45:08 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/hand-lettered-driver-name.487655/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/hand-lettered-driver-name.487655/ invalid@example.com (MarkG) 制造与技术 MarkG 前段时间为邻居做的一个“快速”手写的司机名字。
沉着工具图片线程-显示你的东西! 星期四,21 Oct 2021 07:43:37 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/plomb-tool-picture-thread-show-your-stuff.135342/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/plomb-tool-picture-thread-show-your-stuff.135342/ invalid@example.com (GRX) 讨论的工具 GRX

Yes Proto is OK当然。他们只是不像以前那样制造工具了!


关于o -棘轮工具组的问题 星期四,21 Oct 2021 07:16:08 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/question-about-o-ratchet-tool-sets.488175/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/question-about-o-ratchet-tool-sets.488175/ invalid@example.com (qqzj) 通用工具的讨论 qqzj

可调扳手 星期四,21 Oct 2021 07:00:06 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/adjustable-wrench.485611/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/adjustable-wrench.485611/ invalid@example.com(宫) 通用工具的讨论 瞭望台 您最喜欢的活动扳手品牌是什么?< / div > 74 我的“我讨厌我的桌子”焊接桌子建造 星期四,21 Oct 2021 06:53:40 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/my-im-sick-of-my-table-welding-table-build.488036/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/my-im-sick-of-my-table-welding-table-build.488036/ invalid@example.com (rortmanns) 制造与技术 rortmanns
I’m new here and I’m unsure of the measurement protocols so if anyone gets confused I work in the metric system. I’ll try my best to do the mental arithmetic and post in the antiquated imperial system. If something sounds odd I may have screwed up the conversion.

I currently have a table that’s about 7ft x 7 ft, it’s a royal pain to clamp anything and a recent project has been enough to get me into ‘new table‘ mode. I’m hoping that posting here I might get some benefit from the...

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在1593年的 星期四,21 Oct 2021 06:44:58 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/at-the-1593.487889/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/at-the-1593.487889/ invalid@example.com (cool50) 车库画廊 cool50
Part 1: History of The 1593-1
所以在2018年6月我们搬进了我们的新房子。那是我父母的退休/湖边别墅,他们一直没有机会住进去。Thier plan was after my dad retired they would move up here, unfortunately they never got the chance because of my moms health and passing soon after my dad retired. The house was built in 1996 and my mom passed in 2002 the year after my dad retired. My dad never moved here and refused to sell it, he just hung...

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展示您的Indestro和Duro-Chrome工具 星期四,21 Oct 2021 06:22:12 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/show-your-indestro-and-duro-chrome-tools.94937/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/show-your-indestro-and-duro-chrome-tools.94937/ invalid@example.com(马太福音) 讨论的工具 马太福音 所以我很想看看有什么Indestro或Duro-Chrome工具在那里-请分享你的照片。


Photo 1 - Two 1/4"ratchets I picked up here - one is an Indestro 6072 pear head, the other is an Indestro 2875 round head. The two 1/4" drive deep sockets are Duro-Chrome.

Photo 2 - Assorted wrenches. My great-grandfathers Indestro kit wrenches...

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布里奇波特鹅毛笔下进杆 星期四,21 Oct 2021 06:18:07 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/bridgeport-quill-downfeed-lever.488222/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/bridgeport-quill-downfeed-lever.488222/ invalid@example.com (paulsomlo) 通用工具的讨论 paulsomlo
Can anyone tell me how the pin is supposed to be retained in the handle? Admittedly, I don't know that this is the original pin.Webp.net-compress-image (5).jpg
Smart Ass Garage,又名:这终于要发生了 星期四,21 Oct 2021 06:07:14 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/smart-ass-garage-aka-its-finally-going-to-happen.180851/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/smart-ass-garage-aka-its-finally-going-to-happen.180851/ invalid@example.com (NakeDiesel) 车库画廊 NakeDiesel 我已经在这里潜伏了很长时间,阅读线程和检查不同的设计。

This is the start of my build thread for the shop that has been in the planning and wishing stage for 4 1/2 years since I bought my farm in 2008. When I bought the 120 acres, there was no electric, no water, no house, no roads and missing 3/4 of a mile of fence. It took me 2 years to get the place finished fenced in, a road and much haggling with the electric companies and neighbors on getting...

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霍尼韦尔恒温器RTH6580WF?? 星期四,21 Oct 2021 05:54:38 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/honeywell-thermostat-rt6580wf-rth6580wf.488224/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/honeywell-thermostat-rt6580wf-rth6580wf.488224/ invalid@example.com(庞蒂亚克小姐) 加热和A / C 错过了庞蒂亚克
Honeywell Thermostat RT6580WF RTH6580WF??
One is White and the other states Off White
What I would like to know is what does the “H” stand for in the Model # RT(H)6580WF
If Colour and battery types are the only differences,
I probably would be interested in the Alkaline batteries as the location is at the lake and replacement would be easier...

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仅限挺杆扳手:历史、使用和例子! 星期四,21 Oct 2021 05:53:58 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/tappet-wrenches-only-history-use-and-examples.488161/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/tappet-wrenches-only-history-use-and-examples.488161/ invalid@example.com(私人Lugnutz) 讨论的工具 私人Lugnutz

Intro 1.jpg

The subject of tappet wrenches comes up frequently on GJ, including brand-specific threads (e.g., most recently in the “Craftsman Long C” thread), the “Show us your DOE wrenches” thread, and plenty of Whatzit? threads.

They tend to generate lots of questions. Such as, why were they so thin? (Because the tappet/lifter and adjusting screws were thin and close together.) Why were they so long? (Reach and and avoidance.) Why did they come in pairs...

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铺路机安装时还没有缝砂——担心下雨吗? 星期四,21 Oct 2021 05:43:07 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/pavers-installed-no-joint-sand-yet-worry-about-rain.488135/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/pavers-installed-no-joint-sand-yet-worry-about-rain.488135/ invalid@example.com (couch67) 一般车库的讨论 couch67
Hi, by end of wednesday should have my 300 sq.ft of new pavers laid. Traditional install, solid base of gravel and then 1" sand. Trouble is there is about 1" rain forecasted for Thursday, likely before I can get the joint sand in. Should I cover the pavers to prevent washing out? I can scrounge up some tarps but not sure if I need to worry about it.
还有一个,你最喜欢的1/4棘轮是什么? 星期四,21 Oct 2021 05:29:11 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/heres-another-one-whats-your-favorite-1-4-ratchet.484772/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/heres-another-one-whats-your-favorite-1-4-ratchet.484772/ invalid@example.com (Fusion13) 通用工具的讨论 Fusion13
查看每个人去1/4"棘轮是什么?弹性头,舒适的抓地力,旋转头?我个人在看THRLF72的snap…8又1/4号合适吗?大还是小?你最喜欢的朋友是谁?< / div > 93 2.5mm和3mm扳手 Thu, 21 Oct 2021 05:28:47 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/2-5mm-and-3mm-wrench.488127/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/2-5mm-and-3mm-wrench.488127/ invalid@example.com (DAustin) 通用工具的讨论 DAustin
车库Refurb® 星期四,21 Oct 2021 05:15:12 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/garage-refurb-r.75024/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/garage-refurb-r.75024/ invalid@example.com (NUTTSGT) 车库画廊 NUTTSGT

Well, it has begun. We bought this house and garage over 10 years ago. My garage like in some previous posts started life as a service station, in 1937. One of the things I've wanted to do from the beginning is pour a new floor. The current concrete is spalled and rough. When it rains hard, I occassional get water inside because it's so low.
The planets have finally aligned in my favor. While I have...

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替换Ridgid RS1000 RAS上的表并添加停止 星期四,21 Oct 2021 05:14:03 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/replacing-a-table-on-an-ridgid-rs1000-ras-and-adding-stops.488202/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/replacing-a-table-on-an-ridgid-rs1000-ras-and-adding-stops.488202/ invalid@example.com (kcinnick) 通用工具的讨论 kcinnick
I want to replace the top on a Ridgied RAS I just picked up. It has the original MDF top and it has gotten wet in places and that is just no good. The top is 1" and comes in 3 pieces plus a 3/4" board for a fence. I honestly don't know enough about the saw to know why you need the 3 table top pieces (I know it moves the "fence" but why I am unsure of. I would like to replace it with a 48" wide piece of plywood and I guess I will go with the original 3 piece table top design, is there any...

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尼克的两车分离Vdub车库 星期四,21 Oct 2021 05:14:02 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/nicks-two-car-detached-vdub-garage.348298/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/nicks-two-car-detached-vdub-garage.348298/ invalid@example.com (nicholam77) 车库画廊 nicholam77

我是一个新房主,汽车爱好者,大众爱好者,有抱负的DIY人。我有一个Mk7 GTI,这是我的宝贝,我有轻微的修改,但最近我花了更多的时间“修改”;我的房子和车库比我的车还多。一旦我发现这个论坛和所有很酷的构建在这里,我想记录我自己的旅程!

If you care to check out my car thread, you can read that <HERE >我28岁,住在明尼苏达州,刚买了我的第一件…

加拿大人在哪里购买极速眼镜焊接头盔消耗品? Thu, 21 Oct 2021 05:08:45 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/where-do-canadians-buy-speedglas-welding-helmet-consumables.488206/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/where-do-canadians-buy-speedglas-welding-helmet-consumables.488206/ invalid@example.com (ive) 通用工具的讨论 < div class = " bbWrapper”>嗨。请并感谢你的一些网站。

轻规格金属盒制造 星期四,21 Oct 2021 05:04:22 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/light-gauge-metal-box-fabrication.487922/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/light-gauge-metal-box-fabrication.487922/ invalid@example.com (hans109h) 制造与技术 hans109h
I've decided I want to fabricate about 25 small boxes made of sheet metal, either light gauge steel or aluminum. The end product will be 4.5"x4.5"x11.5" (WxHxD). Each will be used as a "liner" for a old mail slot shelf that has 5"x5"x12" openings. I realize I could farm this out to a shop, but it's a project that I want to do myself.

Currently my only dedicated sheet metal tool is a bar fold brake, so I'm looking for some advice on how best to go about bending up a box that is 4.5" deep...

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伦诺克斯炉,请帮忙 星期四,21 Oct 2021 04:58:40 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/lennox-furnace-help-please.488158/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/lennox-furnace-help-please.488158/ invalid@example.com (Coloshaver) 加热和A / C Coloshaver
我有一个Lennox G50UH炉已经停止加热。随着恒温器呼唤热量,燃烧空气诱导启动和运行大约2秒,几乎达到速度,然后我听到一个继电器点击和它关闭与两个绿色led缓慢闪烁指示正常运行。马达听起来很好,因为它达到了速度,很容易用手转动。我不认为这是马达的问题。控制板好像要关闭它了。

I put a meter on the Combustion…

那个有插销的插座是干什么用的?看图片 星期四,21 Oct 2021 04:51:40 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/whats-the-socket-with-a-stud-for-look-at-image.488156/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/whats-the-socket-with-a-stud-for-look-at-image.488156/ invalid@example.com (legendz) 一般车库的讨论 legendz
Screenshot 2021-10-19 12.37.29.png
在dewalt flexvolt专用管柱修剪器上交换工具头? 星期四,21 Oct 2021 04:35:37 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/swapping-tool-heads-on-a-dewalt-flexvolt-dedicated-string-trimmer.488134/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/swapping-tool-heads-on-a-dewalt-flexvolt-dedicated-string-trimmer.488134/ invalid@example.com三(12) 一般车库的讨论 12个三
所以我有一些额外的dewalt flexvolt串微调器(型号DCST970)和密尔沃基燃料串微调器(型号2725-20)以及……他们是最初的修剪,不是作为一个“动力头”设计。他们是专门的弦修剪器。
我可以把这些hart, ryobi等。dewalt上的'universal'附件?那密尔沃基呢?
i see the hart attachments on sale now at walmart...

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工匠/法康姆工具 星期四,21 Oct 2021 04:32:57 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/craftsman-facom-tools.488070/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/craftsman-facom-tools.488070/ invalid@example.com (ste6168) 通用工具的讨论 ste6168 在这里还没有讨论过,但看起来SBD正在给Lowes带来Facom工具的Craftsman版本(或者已经有了,虽然我还没在商店里看到过),假设为Craftsman产品线带来一个“上层”。Being branded as the V Series. Look interesting, price seems decent. Would imagine the quality is identical to Facom.

Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 5.43.05 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-10-17 at 5.37.50 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-10-17 at 5.35.58 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-10-17 at 5.45.40 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-10-17 at 5.46.34 PM.png

莱特莱特,莱特莱特truu Fit 星期四,21 Oct 2021 04:25:22 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/lectrolite-lectrolite-tru-fit.400924/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/lectrolite-lectrolite-tru-fit.400924/ invalid@example.com (Shelbylex) 讨论的工具 Shelbylex
Lectrolite company in Defiance, Ohio operated somewhere between 1930s and 1940s. They subsequently joined with Sherman Klove (in 1952) to form SK-Lectrolite.

I want to start a dedicated thread to Lectrolite and Lectrolite Tru Fit prior to their transfer to SK-Lectrolite (though there is a suggestion that Lectrolite was producing wrenches for SK in the 1940s via a contract). Lets keep SK-Lectrolite for separate post.

I was going through some of the tools I did not have time to clean yet...

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Saylor-Beall 737 - 80 星期四,21 Oct 2021 04:19:27 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/saylor-beall-737-80.484233/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/saylor-beall-737-80.484233/ invalid@example.com (TJMtl) 通用工具的讨论 TJMtl 我想发布我的新压缩机,并保留我制作的各种视频的日志。

我通过谷歌搜索找到了Saylor-Beall, &;最佳空气压缩机&;etc. It was down to Quincy and S-B. I called the local Quincy dealer and they did not return my call. On the Saylor-Beall facebook site I asked if they had any local dealers and I was given a company in Terrebonne which is about 40 minutes from me.

I was set on getting a horizontal model to keep a low center of...

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安装在外墙的加热器周围的聚障和绝缘 星期四,21 Oct 2021 04:17:09 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/poly-barrier-and-insulation-around-a-heater-installed-in-an-outside-wall.488155/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/poly-barrier-and-insulation-around-a-heater-installed-in-an-outside-wall.488155/ invalid@example.com (confusedcarp) 加热和A / C confusedcarp
I have a roughed-in electric wall heater in my detached workshop. I'm currently insulating the shop with rockwool and installing poly over top. Do I just run poly behind it and air-seal the wires with fire-retardant foam? And can rockwool go against the metal box?

If it matters, this is an outside wall. I understand a heater in an outside wall isn't the best idea but the ship has pretty much sailed on switching to something else.
新蒙特祖玛41 "工具箱 星期四,21 Oct 2021 04:13:39 +0000//www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/new-montezuma-41-tool-box.488219/ //www.urarawi.com/forum/threads/new-montezuma-41-tool-box.488219/ invalid@example.com (Swazeytrain) 通用工具的讨论 Swazeytrain < div class = " bbWrapper”>捡起这对今天我家车库montezuma盒子,想让这篇文章似乎没有很多用户反馈这些箱子,我很惊讶这个盒子的质量为了钱,抽屉感觉结实,它有双重幻灯片在所有抽屉深处,它有一点浅,只有18英寸深,但抽屉扩展充分,伟大的抽屉闩锁系统,我将推荐这个盒子,任何人寻找一些负担得起的工具存储家庭,专业…
