
  1. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    Vintage open window AC.
  2. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    That is about how I feel.
  3. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    I have been hauling dirt for a little while now, it isn’t as hot as last Sunday was, but it is still hot and humid.
  4. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    Chuck was up at about 5, he foraged around for a while, then I fed him 2 smoothies, he was really mad when I put him back in the cage without another bottle. He ate some clover through the cage door and then I put a handful of fresh stuff in the top and bottom areas, he ate that for a little...
  5. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    Just got Chuck settled in for the night, refreshed his greens and only gave him two smoothie bottles. He still isn’t happy, but it has to be done. I did get some paint, made a runny mess, didn’t take any pictures so I could hide it. All loaded up and ready for tomorrow.
  6. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    I have been up at the Hill playing with equipment, had to move the roller up from the Quonset hut level, then brought Perk down to the third tier so I could get some fence posts out of the woods, then had to grab Clark to get them up to the top of the Hill. I am currently trying to beat the...
  7. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    Today was semi successful with the Chuckster, we started out this morning with only two bottles of smoothie, then he ate greens and dry food off and on most of the day, I held out and didn’t feed him a smoothie until 5, then he went to bed, hopefully tonight will be closer to 10:30 that he gets...
  8. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    I am going to skip the stripper, I returned it this morning, seems the new stuff doesn't work worth a hoot without the Methylene Chloride?
  9. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    Going to have to work on Chuck’s timing, tonight was 12:30 and I am just getting to bed now. Also we have to back off the smoothie, he has been drinking three bottles at a sitting, I haven’t seen any solids in the litter box since Wednesday, I am sure that isn’t good. So many of his food items...
  10. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    Some of the paint stripper I bought was a liquid, I figured I would soak the parts in it for a while, they say 15 minutes, I say no effing way. I just got home, made new smoothie, picked some clover and pea shoots, preparing for his Majesty's wake up.
  11. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    Even real automotive type paint? I blasted a couple more, I changed the media to some 30/60 garnet, cleaned the filter, adjusting a few other things, still slow going. I am bringing the parts to the Hill, the SG has no running water, so cleanup would be a chore. I will have to try the simple...
  12. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    Well the filter was pretty dirty, but it did little to change the cloudiness in the cabinet after cleaning it extensively. I think I need a larger collector, not going to happen tonight, but I have one in the office trailer that will probably do the trick. The other thought would be to setup...
  13. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    I am headed to the Salvage Garage again, I may try and swap the media out, I have some black beauty that is 30 grit, might be worth a shot. I also want to check my filter, I think it needs to be cleaned up, the cabinet was getting pretty dusty. Need to return some things to Home Depot and I...
  14. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    This paint is probably not even going to come off with paint stripper, it is old imron, some of the best paint ever made. Dad used to paint everything with it and I can vouch for the fact that it holds up well. As far as the glass protectors, they are generally $3 or $4 each and no one...
  15. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FT86's 20HP shop

    Chuck says sorry for highjacking.........
  16. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    I will be aware of that, these parts are just a PITA, they have all kinds of nooks and crannies, so it isn't easy to get a wire wheel into either. Blasting definitely works, it is just time consuming, I wanted to try the paint stripper anyways, so I figure this is a good opportunity, err, excuse.
  17. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    I can buy a piece of plate glass for $24 (home depot), I get four pieces out of it. The glass gets pretty etched up after three or four hours use. From my past experience the films are a PITA to deal with and I wasted more than I used. Maybe if I setup an air nozzle that blows across the...
  18. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    Here are the parts I was blasting.
  19. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FTThe Salvage Garage

    I would have to say that the sandblast cabinet is essentially sorted out, been blasting for an hour now without any issues (knock on wood), I have some parts that have some serious paint on them, it takes three times as long to clean them as anything else I have been dealing with. Of course...
  20. Strouty

    Above 1200 Sq/FT86's 20HP shop

    I wish I had less places to deal with, so I can understand and respect this statement, I am at three spaces so far. :(
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